/Viral Antigens
  • Source::DNA sequence encoding immunodominant fragment of SARS Membrane protein was expressed in Escherichia Coli. Molecular weight:: Recombinant SARS M encodes the immunodominant sequences of the SARS Membrane E1 glycoprotein. Recombinant SARS E con
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  • Source::DNA sequence encoding immunodominant fragment of SARS Nucleocapsid protein was expressed in Escherichia Coli. Molecular weight:: Recombinant SARS N encodes the N terminal immunodominant sequences of the SARS Nucleocapsid protein. Recombinant
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  • Source::DNA sequence encoding immunodominant fragment of SARS Spike protein was expressed in Escherichia Coli. Molecular weight:: Recombinant SARS S encodes the N terminal immunodominant sequences of the SARS Spike S1 protein. Recombinant SARS S con
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  • Source::DNA sequence encoding immunodominant fragment of SARS Spike protein was expressed in Escherichia Coli. Molecular weight:: Recombinant SARS S encodes the C terminal immunodominant sequences of the SARS Spike peplomer protein. Recombinant SARS
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  • Source::DNA sequence encoding immunodominant fragment of Varicella Zoster virus Glycoprotein E was expressed in Escherichia Coli. Molecular weight:: RecombinantVaricella Zoster virusgEencodes the immunodominant sequences of the VZV Glycoprotein E. T
  • Source::DNA sequence encoding immunodominant fragment of Varicella Zoster virus ORF26 protein was expressed in Escherichia Coli. Molecular weight:: RecombinantVaricella Zoster virusORF26 encodes the immunodominant sequences of the VZV DNA packagig p
  • Source::DNA sequence encoding immunodominant fragment of Toxoplasma MIC3 protein was expressed in Escherichia Coli. Molecular weight:: Recombinant TOXGO MIC3 encodes the immunodominant sequences of the Toxoplasma microenemal protein. Recombinant MIC
  • Source::DNA sequence encoding immunodominant fragment of HIV gp41 was expressed in Escherichia Coli. Molecular weight:: Recombinant HIV gp41 encodes the immunodominant sequences of the HIV Transmembrane Glycoprotein 41. Recombinant HIV Glycoprotein
  • Source::DNA sequence encoding immunodominant fragment of Varicella Zoster virus ORF9 protein was expressed in Escherichia Coli. Molecular weight:: RecombinantVaricella Zoster virusORF9 encodes the immunodominant sequences of the VZV ORF9 protein. Th
  • Source::DNA sequence encoding immunodominant fragment of Toxoplasma GRA1(p24) protein was expressed in Escherichia Coli. Molecular weight:: Recombinant TOXGO GRA1(p24) encodes the immunodominant sequences of the Toxoplasma Dense Granule protein. Rec
  • Source::DNA sequence encoding immunodominant fragment of Toxoplasma SAG1(p30) protein was expressed in Escherichia Coli. Molecular weight:: Recombinant TOXGO SAG1(p30) encodes the immunodominant sequences of the Toxoplasma Dense Granule protein. Rec
  • Source::Optimized DNA sequence encoding Influenza A Virus Hemagglutinin H5N1 subtype Indonesia 05-2005 strain (Asp17-Gln531), was expressed in Insect cells. Molecular weight:: Recombinant InfluenzaH5N1 Hemaglutininis a monomer protein, and migrates
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